Why a women’s health focused centre in Moncton, NB? We believe that women and female gendered people deserve a treatment space where their practitioners have a very good understanding of issues common to them.

Women’s health concerns are often dismissed and accepted as normal

“You pee when you laugh, that’s just what happens after baby, dear”. “Painful periods are just a part of being a woman.” “You will just have to learn how to live with hot flashes and low sex drive.” When women bring concerns to their family, friends and even healthcare providers, and they are dismissed, it discourages them from seeking treatment. It diminishes their sense of self-worth.

Women’s health issues might feel too embarrassing or taboo to talk about

Discussing urinary, bowel or reproductive system problems can be intimidating.  Health professionals might not even ask about them. Fecal incontinence after a traumatic birth? Probably not something you are sharing at mommy-group. Cannot engage in sexual intercourse because of pain? It’s not usually dinner table talk. Feel like your vagina is falling out? Not often a conversation around the office water cooler. Feeling like you are going crazy, can’t sleep or having a real struggle to lose weight after menopause? Mental health symptoms are hard enough to talk about, let alone adding menopause to the mix.

So, what are women to do?

The staff at ReConnect Health Centre pledge to listen to female-focused problems and to believe that they are concerning to you. We will try to help rehabilitate the issue to the best of our abilities. When we cannot help, we refer to other practitioners who can. We will take your questions seriously, trust your gut, and work together as a team to help. As unusual or embarrassing as it might feel to you, we have almost certainly heard it before – probably already that day.

We strive everyday to create a welcoming and supportive environment where you can seek education, treatment and rehabilitative care. We feel that women in the greater Moncton area deserve this level of care and dedication, and attempt to deliver on this every time that we come to the clinic to work.

Thank you for your continued support in our staff and our clinic.

Want to check out our staff? Click HERE.

Looking to schedule an appointment? Click HERE.

ReConnect Health Centre Staff