Meet Dr. Kamylle


Dr. Kamylle Landry


Originally from the Acadian Peninsula, Dr. Kamylle  Landry graduated with a D.S.S. from Université de  Moncton before earning her Doctorate in Chiropractic at  Université du Québec in Trois-Rivières. During her clinical internship at the Clinique Universitaire de Chiropratique, she developed a keen interest in pediatric care and obstetrics.

From the beginning of her post-secondary studies, Dr.  Landry has been passionate about working with children.  She is dedicated to providing a supportive environment where patients feel safe to discuss their neuromusculoskeletal issues.

Dr. Landry is fully bilingual and has been working remotely for the past two years with the Canadian  Chiropractic Association, based in Toronto, Ontario. In her role, she focuses on enhancing the membership experience and developing online learning opportunities for chiropractors across Canada.